Viewing entries by
Laurel Smylie

Hello, Ambiguous Loss


Hello, Ambiguous Loss

This isn’t business as usual. Your employees aren’t simply working from home. They’re working from home in the middle of a pandemic, often with the rest of their family, trying to homeschool their children, maintain a romantic partnership, keep the house from looking like a bomb exploded, cook 21 meals a week…

What are you doing to honor that?


Sponsorship: A Quick How To


Sponsorship: A Quick How To

Mentorship gets a lot of air play, but we are shifting to focus our attention on sponsorship. Laurel breaks down the difference, and the three main roles of a sponsor.



What Do You Pretend?

What are you pretending? That you prioritize people over profit? That safety comes first? Join us for a minute to explore how pretending gets in the way of being accountable and making change.



Let's Talk United Airlines

It seems like United Airlines is in the news every week. Customers assaulted, puppies dying or shipped to the wrong place, employees outraged over reality of a new bonus system. We wanted to take a closer look at what is going on and how these incidents are impacting the bottom line. 


Every Leader Needs a Renewal Practice


Every Leader Needs a Renewal Practice

What is renewal and why should every leader develop and maintain a renewal practice? All the latest neuroscience shows that renewal practices can reverse the damage stress causes, and restore our ability to think and lead with a clear head.
